segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014

Process update

Just mixed pictures from various days. Working in what needs to be done and playing around with some pieces. (soory for the bad quality pictures!)

When I started looking at the room, after taking away so many things, after starting painting and dreaming about the space I was really happy with myself. Then I saw others "after" pictures on Apartment Therapy. Well, in my defense : I'm not done yet! Hang on with me :) bye, Rita

sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014

Blogging the Cure

After me and my love left our sweet home near the beach, after my father died, and came to my family's house to join my mother the first thing I started to do clean. Everyday. You know a good scrub and some music can really make things look brighter. Well, months have passed and I need a place to work. A real place. The house has a lot of rooms but some how some of them became abandoned, sad and completely cluttered over the years. And I didn't had a place to work, just a small nook on the attic. By work I mean a lot of things: write, study, create, photograph, etc. I'm not sure until when I'll be living here, but I always refreshed or add a little detail to my bedroom where we went on holidays, even if it was just for a week, so I decided to reclaim for myself a beautiful room I cherish so much since it used to be our study room when me and my sisters were younger!

When I made this decision the Apartment Therapy Style Cure began, so it was wonderful to receive everyday an email with so many inspiring tips, guidelines and ideas. I never done any of the Apartment Therapy past cures (I actually loved the last January Cure and used some of the assignements but I wasn't as active as in this one). Years ago I wasn't much of an internet person, years later I can say that an online community can be so inspiring as a real in person community. I loved to see other's blog, comments, pinterest boards, etc. So today I have a back injury, I can't work, I can't do anything around the house, so I've decided to post some of my cure too!

The cure is ending and the room isn't ready but hopefully it soon will become the headquarters for my jewelry line TOCTA and my Etsy Vintage Shop MISS ANTIQUE and to my writting (I'm a screen writter), among planning fairs, markets and other projects.

So click on the list to see the step-by-step with me!